Miracatz is a small Devon Rex and Household Pet (HHP) cattery located south east of Houston, TX. Our cattery is registered with both TICA and CFA. Our goal is to raise healthy and happy Devon Rex kittens that are bred to meet the breed standard and fill the hearts of their people with joy. We also have several HHPs. Some we have shown, or tried to, and some are just couch potatoes. All of our HHPs are also rescues.
I met my first Devon Rex in early 2018. I had shown my young HHP girl Arbor at our first show in January of 2018. She more than hated it, but I loved it. I met several of the cats from Tx-Elfkatz Devon Rex and completely fell in love with the breed. A few months later I was honored to help with a premie kitten. This little girl fought so hard, but was just too little. I called her Mira, short for Miracle. Miracatz is named in her honor and to thank Tx-Elfkatz for their help, mentorship, and friendship.
With every cat that carries the Miracatz name her memory and legacy live on.
In June of 2019 I brought home my first; PR Tx-Elfkatz Hitchcock of Miracatz. Hitch is a seal lynx point neuter. He was, and is, everything I wanted in my first Devon. Seal, lynx point, icy blue eyes, and FULL of character! Only, he hates the show hall so he was retired after he earned his CFA Premier title.
In October of 2019 I got the call I'd been waiting on for weeks. My breeder had bred my two favorite of her cats. The gorgeous Elf and the amazing Kisses. And there were two girls! In January of 2020, the beautiful and sassy black tortie and white came home to me. I named her Tx-Elfkatz Tiny Dancer of Miracatz (aka Nora).
In June of 2021 Nora blessed me with three little ones. Two girls and a boy. The little brown tabby and white girl grew up to become Tx-Elfkatz Java Jive of Miracatz (aka Java Bean).
I met my first Devon Rex in early 2018. I had shown my young HHP girl Arbor at our first show in January of 2018. She more than hated it, but I loved it. I met several of the cats from Tx-Elfkatz Devon Rex and completely fell in love with the breed. A few months later I was honored to help with a premie kitten. This little girl fought so hard, but was just too little. I called her Mira, short for Miracle. Miracatz is named in her honor and to thank Tx-Elfkatz for their help, mentorship, and friendship.
With every cat that carries the Miracatz name her memory and legacy live on.
In June of 2019 I brought home my first; PR Tx-Elfkatz Hitchcock of Miracatz. Hitch is a seal lynx point neuter. He was, and is, everything I wanted in my first Devon. Seal, lynx point, icy blue eyes, and FULL of character! Only, he hates the show hall so he was retired after he earned his CFA Premier title.
In October of 2019 I got the call I'd been waiting on for weeks. My breeder had bred my two favorite of her cats. The gorgeous Elf and the amazing Kisses. And there were two girls! In January of 2020, the beautiful and sassy black tortie and white came home to me. I named her Tx-Elfkatz Tiny Dancer of Miracatz (aka Nora).
In June of 2021 Nora blessed me with three little ones. Two girls and a boy. The little brown tabby and white girl grew up to become Tx-Elfkatz Java Jive of Miracatz (aka Java Bean).
MS Lady Arbor Lyric Killian III
aka "Arbor"
PR Tx-Elfkatz Hitchcock of Miracatz
aka "Hitch"
IW BW SGC Tx-Elfkatz Tiny Dancer of Miracatz
aka "Nora"
Tx-Elfkatz Java Jive of Miracatz
aka "Java Bean"
Tx-Elfkatz Java Jive of Miracatz
aka "Java Bean"